About me

Hi! I am a Ph.D. candidate in operations management at UCLA Anderson School of Management, where I am advised by Prof. Velibor Mišić.

I am on the 2023-2024 academic job market.

I will be presenting two talks at the 2023 INFORMS Annual Conference:

  • Title: Randomized Robust Price Optimization
    • Session: SC04. Online Decision Making Algorithms.
    • Time: October 15 (Sunday), 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM MST.
    • Location: CC-North 121A
  • Title: Randomized Policy Optimization for Optimal Stopping
    • Session: MC73. Finance Student Awards.
    • Time: October 16 (Monday), 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM MST.
    • Location: CC-West 106B

Research Interests

My research centers around proposing data-driven methodologies for problems involving decision making under uncertainty. Currently, my focus is mainly on two areas: revenue management and pricing; and the intersection of machine learning and optimization.




Email: xinyi.guan.phd@anderson.ucla.edu